Firefox 5 Minute Challenge

This is the index of files for the 5 Minute Challenge, a project I ran through SpreadFirefox to create a flyer to discuss the features and benefits of Firefox in less than 5 minutes. Each version is available as both HTML for viewing on line and PDF suitable for printing. If you would like to contribute a translation or any other suggestions/improvements, please contact me.

The 5 Minute Challenge is configued to automatically deliver your preferred language according to your browser settings. However, you may also access a specific language directly. The following langauges are available.

ISO-639 and ISO-3166 Codes Language HTML PDF Translator(s)
English Name Native Name
af Afrikaans Afrikaans .af.html .af.pdf Charl van Niekerk
bg Bulgarian Български .bg.html .bg.pdf Umko
de German Deutsch .de.html .de.pdf sebo
en English English .en.html .en.pdf Lachlan Hunt
es Spanish Español .es.html .es.pdf Kuroyume
fr French Français .fr.html .fr.pdf ThomasB
hu Hungarian Magyar .hu.html .hu.pdf Totge
in Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia .in.html .in.pdf Randy Sugianto
it Italian italiano .it.html .it.pdf simonech
mk Macedonian Македонски .mk.html .mk.pdf Vladimir Stefanov
nl Dutch Nederlands .nl.html .nl.pdf GeniusDex
no Norwegian Norsk .no.html .no.pdf Foxtrot
pt-BR Brazilian Portuguese Português Brasileiro
.pt-br.html .pt-br.pdf Felipe Sanches
ru-RU Russian Русский .ru-ru.html .ru-ru.pdf Lustermaf
se Swedish Svenska .se.html .se.pdf fli
sl Slovenian Slovenščina .sl.html .sl.pdf Marko Burjek
sr Serbian Srpski .sr.html .sr.pdf ivanii
zh-CN Chinese Simplified 中文简体 .zh-cn.html .zh-cn.pdf keenkang
zh-HK Chinese (Hong Kong) 中文(香港) .zh-hk.html .zh-hk.pdf minghong
zh-TW Chinese (Taiwan) 中文 .zh-tw.html .zh-tw.pdf Bob Chao