All posts by Lachlan Hunt

Hosting Plans

Well, it’s that time of year again and my web hosting needs renewing. What a pain having to go through all that hassle of forking out $US60 every year just so I can keep this site going.

Imagine. What if there was a plan that would be covered for life – well, actually, beyond just my life and well into the next millennia? What if there were a plan that I could just pay once — once only and that would be it? What if I never needed to worry about hosting again (only depending upon the condition that the company doesn’t collapse)?

Oh wait… There is! The life-time hosting plans from A Small Orange (available for a limited time only). I’m going to be taking the life-time medium plan: 1GB disk space, 25GB/month bandwidth. I’m currently on the small plan, but I figure this site will only grow. The once-off $US300 payment is equal to 5 years on the small plan, 2.5 years on the medium plan; which is nothing compared with the life of the site itself.

Anatomy of a CSS Hack

As web developers, CSS hacks form an integral part of our every day lives and as we’re building a web site, there is all too often occasions where our only choice is to resort to using one to work around a browser bug. But although we make such frequent use of them, many authors may not fully understand the issues at hand and may not be able to make the best decision about which hack to use, or even whether to use a hack at all.

Every single hack is made up of a combination of 3 different types of components that form together in combination to make up what we often refer to as a single entity: a CSS hack. These types are limitations, filters and patches and each hack will usually make use of at least one of each.

The Limitation

This is, in fact, the driving force behind the desire/requirement to use a hack in the first place. It is the buggy behaviour and/or lack of support for a specific feature that requires us to find an alternative. In IE, for example, the double margin float bug, the lack of support for a property like min-height or the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements are all limitations which often require workarounds, usually in the form of a hack.

Without a limitation, there is no need for a hack at all and when it comes to the decision of whether or not to use a hack, it’s important to understand whether the limitation is legitimate, or simply failure on your part to understand the correct behaviour.

For example, say you have some CSS in your page and are looking at it in two different browsers, but both browsers are displaying different results and you don’t understand which is correct (assume for the moment that one of them definitely is). In this situation, without more information, it is impossible to decide upon the best course of action to take — you cannot decide to use a hack because you don’t yet know which browser to target.

The Patch

The patch is, obviously, the mechanism used to fix, or patch, the limitation. These usually work by providing some alternate styling that either produces a similar result or triggers some special behaviour in the browser’s rendering engine to make it work, for the most part, as intended. For example, using ‘height‘ as the substitute for IE’s lack of support for ‘min-height‘ is a form of alternate styling, whereas using ‘display: inline;‘ to fix the double margin float bug or ‘height: 1%;‘ to trigger the hasLayout property are more like triggers to make IE work properly.

Some patches rely on further buggy behaviour, like IE’s broken implementation of ‘height‘; some are benign in nature which have no detrimental effect if applied to any other browsers, such as ‘display: inline;‘ for the double margin float bug; and, lastly, some are a completely conformant alternative which may not be as ideal, but are at least supported by the target browser and are a suitable substitute.

For example, one could use ‘display: inline-block;‘ which is supported by IE, as an alternative to ‘display: table-cell;‘ in some cases. They’re not perfect substitutes (and it’s probably not the best example), but one could make use of their similarities to produce similar results across the browsers.

The Filter

The filter is the glue that binds it all together and is used to make sure that only a select set of browsers will apply the patch and there is a large range of CSS filters available for the picking. These come in two primary forms: hide from target browsers and hide from conformant browsers.

The first is to hide the correct CSS from the target browsers (such as using the child combinator to hide styles from IE). With this form, it is the conformant CSS that is hidden from the target browsers, yet the patch itself is not usually hidden; it is simply overridden by subsequent styles or styles with a higher specificity, effectively causing the patch to be ignored by conformant browsers anyway. In this case, it’s important to ensure that all conforming browsers (with respect to the limitation) also support the filter, so that the correct CSS is applied.

The second form is to hide the patch from newer, conformant browsers (such as using star html or a conditional comment to hide from everything but IE). In this case, the conforming CSS will be seen by all browsers, yet the patch should only be seen by the target browser. In such cases, the filter usually depends on an additional limitation in the target browser and, as a result, you must be careful that all browsers suffering from the filter limitation also suffer from the original limitation.

Such cases are rare, but they do happen and they need to be dealt with appropriately. For example, the “be nice to Opera” patch within the Box Model Hack is an example of where the first patch (intended for IE5) was incorrectly applied to Opera – a conforming browser with respect to the original limitation, but non-conforming with respect to the filter – and thus needed an additional work around.

Lastly, some filters are actually a combination of both types, whereby the patch is hidden from conformant browsers and the conformant CSS is hidden from the target browsers. For example, there’s an @import hack which will load one CSS file in conforming browsers and another in non-conforming browsers.


When it comes to the web, one of the most important yet least understood concepts is the media type of a file and, for text files, the character encoding. Raise your hands now if you’ve ever been guilty of including the following meta element (or equivalent) in an HTML or XHTML document:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1">

Anyone who has ever created an HTML document and did not raise their hand to that question is a liar — every single HTML author in the world has used it and, today, I am going to explain what it does and does not do, and explain what you should use instead.

HTTP Response Headers

HTTP response headers are sent along with every single HTTP response and contain metadata about the file being sent. The response header contains a number of header fields used to specify a variety of information such as the last modified dates, content length, encoding information and, in particular, the Content-Type.

Each header field appears on a new line and takes the following format (white space is optional):

Header-Field: value; parameter=parameter-value

There are various tools available for you to examine the HTTP headers sent by your server, such as the Web Developer toolbar, the Live HTTP Headers extension, Fiddler or an online tool like the W3C’s HTTP HEAD service.

What is Content-Type?

Content-Type is an HTTP header field that is used by the server to specify, and by the browser to determine, what type of file has been sent and received, respectively, in order to know how to process it. The field value is a MIME type, preferably one registered with IANA, followed by zero or more parameters.

For HTML documents, this value is text/html with an optional charset parameter. Take a look at the meta element above and you will see the value of the content attribute contains this MIME type and the charset parameter, separated by a semi-colon, which matches the format of the HTTP header field value. Thus, the HTTP Content-Type header field should look something like this:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Although, technically, the charset parameter is optional, it should always be included correctly.

The Meta Element

The meta element in HTML has two attributes of interest in this case: http-equiv and content. The http-equiv attribute, which was designed as a method to include HTTP header information within the document, contains the name of the header field and the content attribute contains its value.

The intention was that it be used by HTTP servers to create/set real HTTP response headers prior to sending the document, but the reality is that there are none (at least none that I’m aware of) that ever do this. It was not really intended for processing by user agents on the client side, although it is described in the section on specifying the character encoding that user agents should, in the absence of the information from a higher level protocol, observe the meta element for determining the character encoding.

It is, however, not used by any user agent for determining any other HTTP header information and thus including it for anything but Content-Type is nothing short of completely useless, regardless of the examples given in the HTML 4.01 recommendation.

The content Attribute

When used for specifying the Content-Type, despite the fact that it includes both the media type and the charset parameter, it is only ever used by browsers to determine the character encoding. Despite the popular misconception, it is not used to determine the MIME type, as the MIME type needs to be known before parsing the file can begin and (as always) the information specified by a higher level protocol (like HTTP) takes precedence.

The Content-Type header is always included for HTML files sent over HTTP and it must at least contain the MIME type: text/html. In the absence of this header, the HTTP protocol provides some guidance on how to handle it, but it will likely end up being treated as application/octet-stream, which typically results in the user agent prompting the user for what to do with the file.

Therefore, regardless of the MIME type included within the meta element, the MIME type used for HTML documents will always be text/html. (XHTML documents served as text/html are considered to be HTML documents for the purpose of this discussion). This makes the practice of using the following within XHTML documents completely useless for specifying the MIME type:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" />

Infact, for XHTML served as XML, this meta element is not used at all – not even for the character encoding. In such cases, XML rules apply and the encoding is determined based on protocol information (e.g. HTTP headers), XML declaration or the Byte Order Mark.

Determining Character Encoding

As mentioned, browsers do make use of the meta element for determining the encoding in HTML. However, when the document is served over HTTP, this is in direct violation of the HTTP 1.1 protocol [RFC 2616] which specifies a default value of ISO-8859-1 for text/* subtypes. This too is in violation of RFC 2046, which specifies US-ASCII, but the discussion of this issue is best saved for another post.

Additionally, for text/* subtypes, web intermediaries are allowed to transcode the file (i.e., convert one character encoding to another) and if the default encoding is assumed, yet another is declared inline (which would not be parsed by such an intermediary), then the results may not be good. For these reasons, it is not recommended that inline encoding information be relied upon in text/html. (Interestingly, these same reasons apply to the use of text/xml, which is partly why text/xml is not recommended for use in favour of application/xml.)

Setting HTTP Headers

Although it may seem much easier to copy and paste the meta element into every HTML document published, it is almost as trivial to configure the server to send the correct HTTP headers. The method to do so will vary depending on the server or server-side technology used, but specific information can usually be found in the appropriate documentation. The W3C’s I18N activity have provided a useful summary of how to specify the encoding information using various servers and languages.