All posts by Lachlan Hunt


I will not celebrate meaningless milestones.

I will not celebrate meaningless milestones.

I will not celebrate meaningless milestones.

I will not celebrate meaningless mi

Today, Tuesday, 2006 March 07, I celebrated my 23rd birthday (born in 1983). Three days ago, on Saturday, I went home to Parkes to see the rest of my family. We enjoyed a nice home cooked dinner followed by a beautiful Chocolate mud cake for desert (pictured below).

On the table in front of me, the chocolate birthday cake is decorated with a number ‘2’ and 3 candles, representing my age: 23. A small paper parasol is stuck in the upper left corner of the cake, giving shade to a sun-baking jelly-baby.

The cake has been sliced and the piece with the parasol and jelly-baby has been served into a bowl with a ball of ice-cream beside it.

Coincidentally, there’s another milestone specifically related to this site. Any overly obsessed fan of The Simpsons should be able to work it out from the above quote. Have fun.

Site Launch: Edentiti

About 3 days ago, a new site for which I had developed the front-end markup, style and script officially launched. Edentiti provides individuals with ways to identify themselves electronically and is primarily targeted at Australians. The idea is that users may register with Edentiti, have their details verified by taking the necessary documentation to any Australia Post office and then use their Edentiti account to securely identify themselves with participating websites.

Leaving those details aside and looking at the much more interesting technical details of the front end: the site is valid XHTML 1.0 Strict (let me know if you find any errors), valid CSS and it uses unobtrusive JavaScript techniques to provide enhanced user interaction. The reason the site uses XHTML is because of technical limitations on the back end and the way issues were prioritised. There are plans to rectify this situation and use HTML 4.01 Strict because it’s being served as text/html and, because my original templates used HTML 4.01, the CSS and scripts were only designed and tested under HTML conditions.

There are some very nice scripts used throughout the site, including my DOM 2 Events patches and colour fading script, Gez Lemon’s Form Help without Popups and a new script that will change the face of client-side form validation forever! I’ll talk more about this in a future post, but for now feel free to take a look at it in action by going to step 2 of the Create an Edentiti process and start filling in the form. Just be sure to make some errors like typing an invalid date or e-mail address syntax.

If you do choose to register, you will be asked to download and print a PDF file which needs to be taken to an Australia Post office for verification. This PDF gets generated by Prince using HTML and a print stylesheet. I was quite impressed with how easy it was to get Prince to render the document correctly, but this is not really surprising considering it has excellent support for CSS.

I greatly enjoyed working on this site and look forward to assisting them with other projects in the future.

Accessible Alternate Content

For accessibility reasons, it’s important to specify alternate content for any multimedia including images, audio, video, etc. When a text alternative is provided for an image, it should serve the same purpose as the image itself and not just describe what it looks like; and similarly for other multimedia content. However, there are some cases where it’s important to know that the alternate content is replacing an image in order to give some context, even if the user can’t actually see the image (either by choice or phyisical limitation).

For example, take a recent post from Joe Clark – a well respected accessibility consultant – entitled Kills Bugs Dead. When I read this article in my feed reader, which is configured to view plain-text only (no images), this is what I read:

Truck fender has illustrations of six green-and-yellow grasshoppers in workboots and shades striking different poses, with the last two seated and stretched out on its back

After reading that, I had no clue what he was talking about. I had no idea what truck fender he was talking about, let alone having knowledge of any grasshoppers. Once I loaded the article in my browser and saw a photograph of a truck with grasshoppers as described, it suddenly became clear: the article was about the image itself and since I didn’t know there was an image, it was read out of context and didn’t make any sense.

A few weeks later, in a recent instant messaging (IM) discussion with Charl van Niekerk, we were discussing his alternate content (or lack thereof) for an image he’d used in an article entitled The guilty one at Koeberg. As in Joe Clark’s case, Charl’s article was also about the image and when I first read it in my feed reader, this is part of what I read:

South Africans might enjoy this one. 🙂

Now we know! 🙂

In this case, not only is it important to know what the image says, it’s important to know that there is an image between those two lines because it gives some context to the other content around it. Additionally, just because the user may be viewing the content without images enabled in one environment, that doesn’t mean the user can’t see the image at all and so there should be a way for the user to access it, if desired.

To summarise, these are the requirements for a solution to this problem:

  • Make it clear that there is an image being discussed.
  • Provide suitable alternate content for where the image is not available.
  • Provide easy access to the image for the user to view.

The first issue may be easily addressed by prepending the phrase “Image:” or “Photograph of…” to the alternate content and the second point is addressed by actually providing alternate content. But the third point is a little tricker.

One way to do this is with a hyperlink, but unfortunately most images are included using the img element, which only allows plain text with no markup. In Charl’s case, he made use of the object element which has a much richer content model and allows things like hyperlinks within. His markup now looks like this (URIs modified to make the example shorter):

<object type="image/jpeg" data="homer.jpg">
  <a href=" homer.jpg" type="image/jpeg">Image: Eskom –
     Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant - Reactor Maintainance,
     Head of Maintainance: Homer J. Simpson</a>

As you can see, this now clearly addresses all three requirements. But what about the average author that uses the good old img element? One alternative is to make the image itself a hyperlink, like this:

<a href=" homer.jpg" type="image/jpeg">
  <img src="homer.jpg" alt="Image: Eskom –
     Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant - Reactor Maintainance,
     Head of Maintainance: Homer J. Simpson"></a>

Another alternative is to place a hyperlink as text after the image, like this:

<img src="homer.jpg" alt="Image: Eskom –
    Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant - Reactor Maintainance,
    Head of Maintainance: Homer J. Simpson">
<a href="homer.jpg" type="image/jpeg">(view image)</a>

There may be other, possibly more accessible, alternatives I couldn’t think of. Let me know. What do you think of these methods and how would you improve them?