All posts by Lachlan Hunt


I have been offered a position at Opera as a Core Technology Tester and I will be moving to Oslo, Norway. The details are yet to be worked out, but I will most likely be going over in early August.

I’m really going to miss Australia heaps and it’s going to be hard leaving friends and family behind. But this is a good opportunity for me and, while I’m nervous, it’s really exciting. I’m hoping that I will be able to return for Web Directions at the end of September, though I don’t know for sure.

In the mean time, I’m going on my annual ski trip in 8 days (leaving Saturday, 2007-07-07). This year, we’re going to Perisher. I’m hoping the weather will be better than last year’s trip to Falls Creek.

Selectors API Naming Debate

The Selectors API naming debate is finally over! (I hope)

The number of possibilities and arguments was absurd! There were over 38 pairs of names to choose from, with arguments for and against every single one of them. Today, after carefully reviewing the arguments and considering the possibilities, I eventually decided upon selectElement() and selectAllElements().

In an attempt to settle the debate once and for all, I wrote a detailed rationale explaining how I came to this decision. You can see the latest version of the spec in CVS.


I got a little creative today and ended up writing this. It is best sung to the tune of Savage Garden’s Affirmation, but I’m not talented enough to record it myself.

I believe the R-I-A-A should settle all arguments.
I believe we’ve placed our fair-use-rights in other people’s hands.
I believe that DRM’s no good because it’s bad for you.
I believe fighting for freedom is something we have to do.
I believe the music industry promotes low quality.
I believe that we must have the right to use the things we own.

I believe in Karma; what you give is what you get returned.
I believe in a fair world where our freedom does not get burned.
I believe the grass is much more greener on the other side.
I believe we can’t give up our fight until we save our pride.

I believe you can’t control our freedom in reality.
I believe that trust is more important than no piracy.
I believe supporting creativity should be our goal.
I believe that customers are worth more than money or gold.
I believe the struggle for digital freedom is unfair.
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires.

I believe in Karma; what you give is what you get returned.
I believe in a fair world where our freedom does not get burned.
I believe the grass is much more greener on the other side.
I believe we can’t give up our fight until we save our pride.

I believe 09-F9’s the key to our own happiness.
I believe that a fair price negates the need for DRMs.
I believe that we must stop DMCA extortionists.
I believe in copyright not lasting for eternity.

I believe in Karma; what you give is what you get returned.
I believe in a fair world where our freedom does not get burned.
I believe the grass is much more greener on the other side.
I believe we can’t give up our fight until we save our pride. (repeat ×2)

(It would be cool if someone was talented enough to record that.)

Update: This got dugg!