After having left HotHouse a few weeks ago, I’ve decided to become a freelance web developer and do mostly contract work. I’ve already managed to pick up a contract for around the next month or two and will be looking for more later on.
If you or someone you know would be interested in hiring me for some web development work (primarily HTML, CSS and Script, though I have some experience with programming too), please take a look at my resumé and contact me if you’re interested.
What happened with HotHouse?
Various reasons: There wasn’t enough work available for me to do, the company was (unfortunately) moving towards more flash-based sites and, contrary to what I was initally led to believe, I didn’t share the same opinions as the company with regards to web development techniques and standards, so it was decided that my skills would be put to better use elsewhere.
Ouch. I hate when that happens. Good luck going solo.
Not a bad thing to go solo… Now you have a lot more flexibility so that you can do proper standards-based development. I wish you all the best; I believe we’ll be seeing some fantastic sites coming out of your studio!