Joe Clark has kindly responded to
some the many questions I raised in my
last article.
Specifically, he responded to the issues of validation, the baseline,
multimedia; abbreviations, jargon and pronunciation, and the WCAG Samurai.
I still don’t fully agree with him regarding validity, though I fully understand
and accept his point of view. He has satisfactorily responded to the
issues regarding multimedia and full-text alternatives, but I still
have some questions about the baseline. Before I discuss these issues
further, there’s just one thing I’d like to clear up.
Joe seemed to be quite offended by one small statement I made at the beginning:
“… his movement against the WCAG Working Group.” As he first commented in my
article and then later published
on his blog, he’s not against the whole working
group and I’d like to apologise for suggesting that he was.
However, I’m not sure why he was so offended by me calling his work, in particular,
the WCAG Samurai, a “movement”:
I can barely get the ragtag handful of standardistas in this city together
once a month for drinks, let alone run a “movement.”
I thought the WCAG Samurai seemed to fit the
definition of “an organized effort
by supporters of a common goal”. But regardless of that, I sincerely apologise
if this is not the case.
[…] If your baseline is set too high, users will have “recourse to complain that your site is inaccessible to them.”
Sadly, no. The user has no say in the baseline designation at all.
I don’t think the user needs to have a say in the baseline designation in
order to complain about inaccessibility. Regardless of what the baseline
says, if a user can’t access part of the site for whatever reason, there is
nothing to stop them complaining to the organisation about it (unless they can’t
even access the contact information). Organisations do have some, at least
moral, responsibly towards their users and/or customers to produce content
that suits their, and their user’s, particular needs.
However, I’d like to get some clarification on what exactly the problem is
with the baseline. Joe’s statements about it being possible to make technologies
other than plain HTML, CSS and JS accessible are very well known. Such technologies
include tagged PDFs and captioned/audio described videos; but all of a sudden
there’s something inherently wrong with a baseline statement that says you
require support for PDF or support
for MPEG and SMIL.
In response to Bruce
Maguire’s claims that PDF is inaccessible because:
[…] the resulting document will only be accessible to those people who have
the required software and the skills to use it. […] Requiring a user to upgrade
to this extent in order to read a standard document is like designing Web content
presentation in such a way that most people will have to buy a new computer
in order to read it. […] In any case, some of the PDAs used by blind people
have no facilities for accessing PDF files”:
Clark wrote:
- It’s not like PDFs are the only item on your computer for which you require
software and skills. You require both of those to surf the web and use HTML
- “PDAs used by blind people” need to be upgraded if they don’t understand PDF.
Essentially, this objection boils down to “if it doesn’t work with what I’ve
already got, it doesn’t work, period.” I guess time does not march on for these
people. In that case, I hope you’re enjoying HTML 2.0 and your Geocities homepage.
So, I’m confused. I I understand these two points of view correctly, they
seem to be conflicting:
- You can’t require support for some technologies (i.e. no baselines)
- Many technologies can be made accessible and users are just required to
have appropriate software. In such cases, you don’t have to make an equivalent
in another format (e.g. You don’t necessarily require an
HTML alternative for PDF and so-called full-text alternatives for multimedia
are apparently a joke)
Any clarification on this issue would greatly appreciated.