All posts by Lachlan Hunt
Joining the W3C
I am now a member of three W3C working groups!
A few weeks ago, I joined the HTML WG as soon as it started, which is open to anyone. For this group, I’ll be contributing much like I have been doing for the past 3 years with the WHATWG.
When I met Charles McCathieNevile at BarCamp Sydney a few weeks ago, I mentioned an interest in writing specs, to which he suggested I join the Web API WG. A few days later he e-mailed me to talk me into it and after thinking about it for a few days, I decided to accept. My application has just finished being processed and I’ve been welcomed into the group. As part of this group, I will initially be taking over the editing of the Selectors API spec. There isn’t much to do with it, though I do get to resolve the naming debate!
Shortly after I was asked to join Web API, I was asked by Marcos Caceres to join the Web Application Formats working group to assist with writing the XBL Primer. My application to join this one is still in progress, but it should be done soon.
One of the perks of becoming an W3C Invited Expert, as opposed to a Public Invited Expert for the HTMLWG, is that I get access to much of the member only content on the W3C site, such as mailing lists. I’ve only seen a little bit so far, but there is some seriously funny stuff in there. I really wish I could share, but unfortunately I can’t. This is going to be fun!