Is IE Really Better?
This weeks Net Twit Award goes to Jim Ley for his comment about IE. I had a good laugh; Hixie framed his copy, and I took a photo of mine:
But this comment at the end of his recent email, is just being arrogant.
This weeks Net Twit Award goes to Jim Ley for his comment about IE. I had a good laugh; Hixie framed his copy, and I took a photo of mine:
But this comment at the end of his recent email, is just being arrogant.
This WeBlog is a gallery of websites that basically, just get it wrong! The aim is to showcase the stupidity of some of the worst HTML-Terrorists. It's not just about the millions of average website builders who use image-text navigational links, tables for layout, or nothing but <font> tags. This blog aims to point out those who take that little extra step in making their site difficult to use, completely inaccessable, totally annoying or just hypocritical!