DevEdge Sidebar

For those of you who haven’t noticed, Netscape DevEdge has gone! All the wonderful content that so many developers depended on has suddenly vanished without a trace! One of the most useful resources available from DevEdge was, of course, the DevEdge Sidebar, that featured quick references for HTML, CSS, DOM, XSLT and JavaScript.

The DevEdge Sidebar is now available again! (Install Now) I managed to scrape together all the required resources from various sources, such as the WayBack Machine‘s DevEdge archive and Ivan Yeung’s (aka. Sheepy) work and TnTLuoma’s orginal HTML and CSS sidebars.

This sidebar includes the HTML 4.01, CSS 2, CSS 2.1, DOM 2 and XSLT References. I plan to make a new CSS1 Reference and try to recreate the JavaScript 1.5 Core Guide and Reference. I have the JS 1.5 zip archives: CoreGuideJS15 and CoreReferenceJS15.

6 thoughts on “DevEdge Sidebar

  1. Kudos on the good work Lachy, works great for me with Firefox.

  2. Hi Lachlan

    Many thanks for re-publishing this hardly needed sidebar.

    I post just to tell you that in the “HTML 4.01 Quick Reference” the icon for both block and inline elements are missing.
    I guess that’s because block.gif and inline.gif (background images for each elements cells) are missing.

  3. Great job !!!

    Unfortunately (someone else pointed it out), in the “HTML 4.01 Quick Reference” the icon for both block and inline elements are missing.
    Impossible to differentiate them.

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